

Ava has a GPS device that allows her the freedom and independence to explore her world every day. Tyler uses his iPad to communicate with his family and loved ones. Mosha uses a special swing that exercises his legs and body. These are just some of the wishes granted through Concepts’ Special Wishes program.

What is the Concepts Special Wishes Program?

Each year, we ask the parents & guardians of Concepts’ children to send us a wish for something that would improve their child’s life and enhance their freedom and independence. Something they couldn’t otherwise attain. Each wish is expressed in an essay written by the parent explaining how exactly how the item would help their child. A committee of Concepts Board members, staff and fellow Consumers carefully reviews each essay, and awards as many children with a wish as possible, dependent on the donations that come in to cover the program. The children are awarded their wish during a spectacular evening at the Concepts Annual Gala.

How Can You Help?

The Special Wishes program relies on donations. The more funding we have, the more wishes can be granted. If you would like to help us grant more wishes and give kids life-changing tools of independence, please consider donating today. You can fill out this form and mail with a check payable to Concepts of Independence, or you can donate through our paypal platform (you don't need a paypal account to do so). You can donate here:

If you don't have a paypal account, go to "Don't have a paypal account?" in the lower left corner of the donation screen, and click "continue."

Just a Couple Success Stories of Special Wishes


"Mary is very happy with her gift. She downloads alot of educational material and school material - especially when she is out of school either for surgery or doctor visits. She doesn't have to miss out on school work anymore. She has a much easier time writing with her ipad, and she is creating a lot more artistically. All of this she couldn't do before. I guess it's opened her eyes to a lot of new  things. It's making  her to want to know and learn more every day. I am so grateful that l see her smiling always."


"I am thankful to Concepts of independence for the iPad my son received.  He now uses the iPad on his own.  He can FaceTime his family.  We put pictures on the names so he knows who is calling.  He uses the tap to talk app to talk to us.  This has been so helpful for his communication!"


"Thank you for the swing! Mosha is really enjoying it. It puts a smile on his face every time he goes on it. The vestibular movement is great for his brain. It wakes him up so that he's ready to learn new skills with his teacher."

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